Trinity County Oral Health Advisory Committee

Oral Health's Connection to Public Health

Oral Health is deeply connected to overall physical health

Oral Health is connected to quality of life outcomes

Different people have different oral health needs



The Trinity County Oral Health Advisory Committee (TCOHAC) was established and convenes every two months or more often, as needed. The pupose of the advisory committee is to inform, provide guidance, support and advocate for the mission and vision of the Trinity County Local Oral Health Program ( LOHP).  The advisory includes representatives from community organizations and agencies, special healthcare district clinics, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) Indian Health Services, school nurses, Behavioral Health, Social Services, and Public Health programs. Community members with an interest in oral health and promoting oral health as an important part of overall health are encouraged to join the oral health advisory committee.

Trinity County Public Health, Local Oral Health Program, in collaboration with California Center for Rural Policy at Humboldt State University and the Trinity County Oral Health Advisory Committee, conducted a county-wide Oral Health Needs Assessment. The data and findings from the needs assessment were used to develop an Oral Health Improvement Plan and Evaluation Plan to guide program activities and evaluate program progress and outcomes over the course of the grant term (2018-2022). At this time, the Trinity Oral Health Program is working to update the Oral Health Needs Assessment (2022-2027).