Funds for road maintenance and construction are apportioned per the Streets and Highways Code. No property taxes or other County general funds are used for the maintenance and improvements of County roads and bridges.
Generally speaking, the County's share of the highway user's tax is apportioned by population and maintained road mileage. Since Trinity County is a large but sparsely populated county, the revenue for road maintenance is low compared to the more densely populated areas.
Most improvement work is funded by various Federal and State grant programs. Given the inflated costs and the reduction in revenues, the County's ability to maintain the road system has been severely limited and unless a new revenue source is created maintenance efforts will have to be further reduced in the future.
Revenue FY 22/23
Road Maintenance Funds |
Revenue |
Allowable expenses |
HUTA, Secure Schools, & Match Exchange | $3,904,011 | General operations: snow plow, salaries, fuel, utilities, parts, equipment purchase and repair, fill potholes, striping, signs, replace culverts, mowing, clean ditches, brushing etc., for county maintained roads only. |
RMRA | $2,201,569 | Fix Existing Roads, Major Repairs, and local match for state or federal projects. |
Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Fund -(Competitive, Non-discretionary) |
$6,286,159 |
Federal funds for specific projects: Bridges, High Friction Surface, Guardrail, and similar very specific projects where we have to apply and compete for funds for bridges and Federal Aid Roads only. |