Coronavirus (COVID-19) Frequently Asked Questions


Now that the CDC has put out guidelines for indoor air quality and ventilation, will the county re-implement the air purifiers and other ventilation mitigations that were abandoned when the mask order was lifted?
What is county public health doing to advocate for and protect the medically vulnerable? Why has public health abandoned all precautions and protections in an ongoing pandemic? What use is public health if they bend to the least informed but most vocal faction of covid deniers? Shame on you.


Public Health continues to be grounded in science and is dedicated to serving and protecting our populations. Below is some information on how to protect yourself and your loved ones.

If you have questions on HEPA filters or concerns about exposure and risk due to poor ventilation:For your private residence contact Public Health at 530-623-1358 For Commercial Buildings and Rentals contact Code Enforcement or Environmental Health at 530-623-1354

... Read more

Post date: Thursday, May 25, 2023 - 1:26pm

COVID-19 Vaccine

In the questions answered on 1/12/23 regarding Bivalent boosters and Novavax boosters, you gave conflicting answers - can you clarify that it is possible to get a Novavax booster 2 months after a Bivalent booster, if the Bivalent was the 3rd booster received? In one answer you state you are only eligible for Novavax if you haven't had any boosters, and in the next you say you can get a Novavax booster 2 months after Bivalent. Which is it?


My apologies, you are correct that was contradictory. For the most current information please see the vaccine timing table at

Post date: Thursday, February 23, 2023 - 8:28am

COVID-19 Activity

How many COVID-19 related deaths have occurred for Trinity County in the Age 0 to Age 5, the Age 5 to Age 18, the Age 18 to Age 35 Age groups? Or better yet, how many deaths are allocated to all the different age groups the State of California uses?


According to CDPH, there have been 24 confirmed COVID deaths among Trinity County residents. All but one have been among people 65 and older. One was 18-49 years old. 

Post date: Monday, February 6, 2023 - 9:11am

COVID-19 Vaccine

How come the dashboard is not being updated? Why aren't you answering questions and adding them to the FAQ?


The COVID case dashboard is linked to the state dashboard and is updated regularly. Our vaccine dashboard is updated every 2 weeks, there are very small changes as primary doses are trickling in, which may appear as though we are not updating, and our dashboard does not currently capture booster doses. We are looking at transitioning our vaccine dashboard to the state vaccine dashboard that updates daily and includes booster doses. We continue to answer questions and place them on our FAQ.... Read more

Post date: Thursday, January 12, 2023 - 2:04pm

Testing and Laboratory

How many positive tests for employees dose it take to make a restaurant close down?


It depends on the infectious disease or foodborne illness. For foodborne illness traced to a restaurant, the Environmental Health Agency within the County conducts an investigation.

In regards to COVID-19, please see the information regarding outbreaks and reporting within workplaces: Read more

Post date: Friday, August 5, 2022 - 9:40am


Are medical facilities still under CDPH mask orders regardless of vaccination status? Do these orders extend to medical facilities in Trinity County? How come disabled and immunocompromised residents are carrying the burden of personal safety when the community could follow basic public health recommendations and help everyone? Why is there a lack of mitigation measures at superspreader events? No ventilation or air quality monitoring in any of the public buildings? Why hasn't the county followed it's own recommendations regarding covid safety and protections?


Trinity County follows the guidance from CDPH. Please find the State Public Health Officer Order of June 8, 2022 here

Masks are required for all individuals in the following indoor settings, regardless of vaccination status. Surgical... Read more

Post date: Tuesday, July 12, 2022 - 11:19am

Testing and Laboratory

How come the calendar isn't showing any snap testing/vaccine sites open the last two weeks? Can we surmise that case rates are much higher than reported due to testing being on hold?


Thank you for this question, the SNAP Nurse calendar and testing resources will be updated on or website today. We are continuing to work with SNAP Nurse and CDPH to determine how long we are able to keep the SNAP Nurse team beyond July 15, 2022.Testing is also available through the following:

Free Government Covid tests can be ordered here:

Many private insurance companies and Partnership Health Plan of... Read more

Post date: Tuesday, July 12, 2022 - 11:14am

COVID-19 Vaccine

Does Public Health administer covid vaccines & tests now that the snap nurses are not being provided, or do we have to go to private businesses for boosters & testing?


We are in the process of compiling all the resource sites for vaccination and testing. We are also working very hard on keeping the SNAP Nurse Team beyond July 15. Persons can contact the PHB if they are having trouble accessing testing. We also encourage persons to reach out to their healthcare providers.

Post date: Monday, July 11, 2022 - 3:57pm

COVID-19 Vaccine

Will the new anti-omicron variant Moderna vaccine be available from TCPHD in August?


Once the approval process has completed through the FDA, CDC, and CDPH the Public Health Branch will notify the public how to access these vaccines.

Post date: Wednesday, July 6, 2022 - 10:17am

COVID-19 Vaccine

How often are covid-19 boosters required?


Here is the link to timing of boosters, differs by age, vaccine, and if immunocompromised.

Post date: Monday, June 6, 2022 - 1:02pm