2022 Grand Jury Reports and Responses

Downloadable PDF Files of Reports and Responses

Based on Policy statement no. 3-90 (p),  the timetable for response to the report to comply with a 90-day limitation for the Board of Supervisors and 60-day limitation for Elective Officers and appointed Department Heads. Each finding and response shall be brief, to the point, and reflect substantially the following:  As to each finding, whether the responding department agrees with or disputes with an explanation. As to each recommendations, the response shall indicate that the recommendations: A. Have been implemented with a summary of significant detail, B. Will be implemented with a time frame for implementation, C. Requires further analysis with details showing the scope and parameters of the study, D. Is not feasible with an explanation.

Topic Report Number Respondents
Abatement DER 2022-001 DER_2022-001
Continuity COR 2022-001 COR 2022-001
County Counsel JUR 2022-001 JUR 2022-001