Upcoming Vaccination Clinics
- Ruth | November 29, 2023, 10AM-1PM
J&J Smokehouse
4391 B Trinity Dam Blvd., Lewiston, CA 96052
Vacinations: Flu shots, walk-in only; VFC vaccines, for qualifying children by appointment only. - Weaverville | December 6, 2023, 9AM-12PM
Trinity County Public Health Branch Office
51 Industrail Parkway, Weaverville, CA 96093
Vacinations: Flu shots, walk-in only - Weaverville | December 20, 2023, 10AM-1PM
Hayfork Community Center
154 Tule Creek Rd., Hayfork, CA 96041
Vacinations: Flu shots, walk-in only; VFC vaccines, for qualifying children by appointment only. - Clinic locations and times subject to change. Please call 530-623-1358 for information on the day of the scheduled clinic.
Walk-In Vaccinations
No appointment is necessary for walk-in vaccinations. Please arrive no later than 15 minutes before the end of our clinic time.
By Appointment Only Vaccinations
Appointments can be made by calling 530-623-1358. Please arrive at your scheduled time. Late arrivals are not guranteed to receive their vaccines.